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[flagged] What if climate change meant not doom – but abundance? (washingtonpost.com)
15 points by raybb 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments

I see we have reached the bargaining stage of global warming.

Abundance never seems to pan for us out given the ever-present hoarders and the endless stream of sycophants willing to protect those hoarders for scraps.

Abundance is bad for profits. But scarcity, now we're talkin'.

This is just another version of hippie degrowth. Objectively you'll be worse off but you'll love it. I think if people could just will themselves to be happy ascetics they would have done it already.

What if jumping off a cliff meant not doom - but exhilaration?

Don't knock Cliff Diving until you try it https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nOzJETxv2yI

And why would this article be arbitrarily flagged? I mean, it opens debate, regardless of how anyone may not like the idea of debate over this "closed" subject, and it comes from a very reputable source. The Washington Post has its political biases sure, but it's hardly infowars-level bottom barrel reporting.

What if I bet all my money at the lotto and win?

That is the wrong question... what if I lose? Even not having a clue of the science behind this predictions betting up to everything is not smart, or is plain criminal if you try to convince others.

It's all about the time scale.

It certainly will lead to abundance, after humanity has mostly wiped itself out, and the population is reduced to 1/10, the survivors will certainly have greater abundance.

If we had long term population control more intelligent than that of a fruitfly, we wouldn't be in this situation to start with...

ICCC estimates that climate change will result in the deaths of a small number of millions of humans, not billions.

Over what timeframe, based on how many degrees of warming?

Which one of those dozens of links has the numbers you are referring to?

The big one in the hero block that's the obvious focus of the page.

I'm looking at the full 186 page report, and I don't see those numbers anywhere. Help a brother out here.


But look here doctor, wouldn't this nucleus of survivors be so grief stricken and anguished that they'd, well, envy the dead?


No sir... Right arm rolls his wheelchair backwards. Excuse me. Struggles with wayward right arm, ultimately subduing it with a beating from his left.

. . when... when they go down into the mine everyone . . would still be alive. There would be no shocking memories, and the prevailing emotion will be one of nostalgia for those left behind, combined with a spirit of bold curiosity for the adventure ahead! Ahhhh!

Right are reflexes into Nazi salute. He pulls it back into his lap and beats it again. Gloved hand attempts to strangle him.

It probably will mean abundance. Just not for humanity.

Paywall, so haven't read the article, but the main problem with climate change is the speed in which it is happening.

If it happened slowly over 10,000 years then species would have time to migrate, adapt and evolve to handle the changes. So the good and bad changes would roughly balance, and a higher energy system could result in greater abundance.

But when it happens over a few decades?

Archive with full text of article: https://archive.ph/yl4DQ

Over a long enough timespan we will eventually run into it happening in an instant.

> Paywall

Try to switch off Javascript.

North west passage...

Perhaps we'll find the hand of Franklin?

Abundance of Africans is what it is going to mean for Europe.

Should have thought about that before colonizing Africa and then fucking up the climate.

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