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Qualcomm kills its copy of Apple's satellite SOS after ten months (arstechnica.com)
11 points by MBCook 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Hmm. Makes me wonder. Has Apple announced how much the SOS subscription costs after the first two years? Maybe they just turn it off after two years and tell people to buy a new phone? Just curious.

They just announced another free year for people with an iPhone 14, so it looks like we’ll have to wait another year to find out.

They haven't so far. I'm assuming they'll roll it into some of their iCloud subscription tiers.

Duplicated (with more comments) here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38261524

Starlink + LTE from space is the future, you will be able to just send an SMS from anywhere to anyone

Anywhere in a supported country, for now. Starlink does not own any global spectrum rights in the relevant bands.

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