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Ask HN: How to write a configurator for deploying a multi-service system?
3 points by sriram_malhar 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Say you have a working service that has compute servers, a bunch of queues (Kafka, say), a distributed database, Redis etc. Most of the computation is fairly parallelizable.

Suppose your product manager says, package this system in such a way that we can sell our system to another customer. It will involve scaling down to varying levels (from demo version all they way up to a smaller multi-DC version for fault-tolerance), but significantly less scale than yours.

Now, although you have the experience to advise your customers about a system to achieve a specific scale, you don't want to be stuck helping them through their deployment. So you start writing a configurator that takes in a desired input transaction rate, and outputs a smaller clone of your architecture that can handle that load.

I'm looking for ideas/papers/advice on how to write such a configurator. The problem is that there are still a lot of variables, such as how many hardware servers, how many of each software server (keeping fault-tolerance in mind), their placement etc. Because each of these systems have different demands on cpu/memory/disk/network, they are inherently unequal in their effect. It is analogous to a recipe generator that spits out a recipe for a given number of people, where different components scale differently in terms of amounts and cooking time.

It is easy to describe a minimal system. Starting with the fault-tolerance criteria, one will need a minimum of a three-box cluster. One can start all the required services manually and arrive at a configuration that maximizes the TPS. Is there a nice way to compute how many of each will be required to handle double that base workload? I am thinking I'd put in as many hardware/software servers as the number the most performance bottleneck components require, and then do some elementary bin-packing of the rest of the components depending on their resource usage. If you have some guidance, pointers for me, I'd be most grateful. Thanks in advance.

Depending on your requirements, Ansible might be a useful tool:


Ansible, Pulumi etc allow you to script an infrastructure once the plan is in place. I'm looking at one step earlier; how to come up with an infrastructure plan automatically, given the requirements. Configurator is the wrong name, I realize now.

The plans generated by the system you describe would be very workload and requirement-dependent.

As you stated:

"Because each of these systems have different demands on cpu/memory/disk/network, they are inherently unequal in their effect. It is analogous to a recipe generator that spits out a recipe for a given number of people, where different components scale differently in terms of amounts and cooking time."

I do not think there is a good way to design such a system for a general use case, but it might be possible to build an expert system (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expert_system) for some specific use cases using well understood infrastructure patterns.

For example, you might have a recipe for a database-backed website that can handle given amounts of throughput and has best practice configurations for scaling, data backup, failover, etc.

It seems like a tough problem for the general case, but doable for "typical" business use cases.

All true. I guess I am looking for a first approximation, so that one can have a starting point from which one can fine-tune. The problem is to somewhat mimic what an expert might do given the requirements, to say, for example, "We'll have 5 48-core boxes, three of which will have Kafka, two will have the database, the in-memory grid will be spread over all 5 etc, and here are the relevant config files". Maybe it spits out ansible code.

Thanks for engaging.

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