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Political Quiz (theadvocates.org)
2 points by keepamovin 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

"The World's Smallest Political Quiz"... Simplicity often comes with a loss of something, usually either accuracy or clarity. This test is framed completely within the extremely limited Democrat-Republican false dichotomy.

The questions are loaded so that no matter what you respond, you're supporting one of the two branches of the currently-dominant political ideology of Liberalism.

Take for example: Taxpayers should NOT be responsible for student loan debt. So the options are either: 1) support the legitimacy of for-profit education and make taxpayers pay for it, OR 2) support the legitimacy of for-profit education and make students pay for it. This question tricks the test-taker into supporting things they may or may not support.

And this is exactly how voting/elections work in general. Once every 4 years we get to choose between evil parasite puppet A or evil parasite puppet B. Then whichever evil parasite puppet won goes on to enact the policies that the evil parasites want them to enact. They frame elections so that no matter what reasons people have for voting for them, it's swept up by some other issue. And in the US we can't even do things like pass referendums, or recall our politicians when they don't do what they were elected to do. It's all bogus.

Interesting, as a non-expert I thought it was broader than that. The resulting diagram has 5 directions:

progressive, libertarian, conservative, authoritarian and moderate.

But your points about the 'false choice' seemingly often presented by two party systems is well taken, as well as how you highlight the limitations of capturing a multitude of views given the binary nature of the questions involved! :)

Still, with 20 binary questions you can reach a million possibilities. I guess I hoped this was some sort of good approximation of a cutting plan in a classifier.

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