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> The purpose of this project shall be to provide a transport agnostic, layered communication protocol that builds on top of existing automotive and Internet standards, from the mechatronic layer (between ECUs, VMs, etc…) up to the Cloud, enabling a connected software defined vehicles.

"Up to the cloud"

There is no need for a car to "up to the cloud". Just give me a local Bluetooth network that reports back to me engine ECU reports, statistical logistical reports and driver stats. Because as soon as you leave the ground to "reach the cloud" that's where open-source stops.

enabling a connected software defined vehicles.

The end-goal is, not surprisingly, to take away ownership and control. "Open source" is just a distraction, a way to paint this in a trendy positive light. Lots of things that are truly open source are actually user-hostile too. Whether the source is open doesn't really matter here.

Meanwhile my SO really enjoys starting the car's climate control when she's about to leave her friend, the restaurant or similar, way out of Bluetooth range.

Especially during the winter when it's -15C or below it's really nice to step into a warm car compared to an ice cold car.

It doesn't have to be Bluetooth. We had local wireless remote start and control solutions long before "cloud" or even BT or WiFi was a thing.

Add LoRA support to phones and you could have it miles away.

But that would not require a subscription.

Heck, put LoRA and Bluetooth Low Energy in the remote, then your phone can send this message through BLE and the remote will relay it to the car seamlessly from significant distance.

I don’t want to sell all my data and privacy to car companies so I can have a warm car from a distance.

If you want to make that trade you guys go ahead. Me: bad trade.

And I find it a bad trade NOW. I can't imagine what it's gonna be like in 10 years once they don't push security updates and the Kia Boys can use years old security bugs to steal your car.

Oh yea. They toute “cars as technology platforms” but these are the organizations who couldn’t even deliver updates over-the-air until Tesla shamed them. The attack surface of entire product lines that have huge utility but no security is going to be epic.

Just look at this garbage. Not one mention of any of the issues or security problems these companies are condemning themselves to, not to mention the consumers…


Vehicles can last 10-20 years, but updates from manufacturers top out at 5-7 and are almost exclusively closed source and lawsuit / litigation heavy and willing.

It is kill box territory.

proc HeatUpCar {$temperature} { switch $temperature { -15c { activateHeat } } }

Not a hard feature to program

I think the idea is that you can start the heater a few minutes before you head to your car rather than setting a return time before you leave, or leaving the car's heater on the entire time.

Hmm, touché.

Fortunately there is 30 year old tech that does exactly this without any modern app-tier enshittification.

You can start a car from 2km away by pushing a button on the key ring. This is a solved problem. That doesn't involve a smartphone.

How much range when the car is in a parking garage and you are in a condo, restaurant or similar, ie both surrounded by concrete?

Besides an app allows much more than a simple on off.

Not saying you should have to sell your privacy for ut, but there are some potential positive things by having the car connected to the cloud. So if there's a way to do that without the shenanigans then that might be good.

Unfortunately that battle appears to be over. Automakers are never going to surrender their toehold in our cars without a fight.


At this point the horse is out of the barn. People want a connected center screen. Figure out how to do it in an open way if you must, but telling people not to want it doesn't work.

People want tactile hard buttons, not a "connected center screen".

Who started this myth?

Marketing, of course. People are being told what they should want, which conveniently lines up with cost savings from the companies themselves..

No its actually that those cars sell better. Specially if you look to China its even more true. Even in the US pickup trucks turn into luxery cars with lots of tech and gadgets.

I love how tech people always believe that what they dont like nobody likes and consumers are forced.

Most people simply don't give shit if things go over local networks or clouds. People like opening an app and seeing if somebody is stealing from their car. To prewarm the car from whereever they are. And so on and so on.

And its not actually what traditional car companies want. In fact, they are in panic mode because new companies like Tesla and car makers from China have interduced these things and costumers prefer prefer it.

So now they are rushing to catch up and often doing it badly.

They want it to be a phone so bad.

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