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I spend my coins in ordinary cash transactions. What's the problem? If the cashier can give me change, I can give them change.

I don’t want to carry around a pouch of coins like a medieval traveler.

Just put in your fanny pack then.

My fanny pack is already full of grunge cassette tapes.

In US/UK prices like $5.98 are annoyingly common. Paying in cash you are getting pennies of change and to pay with them one have to collect a lot of coins which inconvenient to carry and takes time to count. When prices are reasonably rounded using cash is more convenient.

So you take your tiny coins and use them to get bigger coins. You buy something and it's 4.53, and you give 5.03 to get 0.50 in change.

and you've just spent $5 worth of time and effort for 50 cents

This assumes you want the 5.03 item, and it's just a way to consolidate change instead of having a change jar.

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