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Ask HN: Online-only HN Toastmasters group?
15 points by TotoHorner 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I posted a few months ago with a HN post on strategies to be more eloquent. The post seemed to be well-received, hence this follow up.

I'm wondering if there currently exists a HN toastmasters-type group for people to meet on zoom and practice public speaking? Would really love to join if one already exists.

If it doesn't exist, is there any appetite to start one?

There are Toastmasters clubs which are online only. There are Toastmasters clubs which carry hybrid online/on site meetings in many time zones.

As for learning speaking over Zoom one anecdata point: I wouldn't get my job if not for Toastmasters and later a lot of TM meetings over zoom.

Looking at the screens for many hours 5 days a week I prefer face to face TM meetings.

It’s an interesting idea.

My gut suggests that a Zoom Toastmastering might improve speaking on Zoom more than in front of a live audience.

Not saying that would be a bug. Sounds like a new useful skill. But a different one.

I suspect the culture and experience of a live group would be hard to replicate without participation from an established group of toastmasters.

Good luck.

I’m curious if you have considered joining a local Toastmasters chapter? It depends, but sometimes it can be easier for people in a group to make bonds when there is a connection to meatspace. Might be something to take into consideration.

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