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Is the title the actual article? The only extra info in the page is a semi-unrelated pic.

Looks like it's only available to members with an account, but accounts can only be obtained via "contact us" (and probably a very expensive subscription).

Here's an "unlocked" link (good until Nov 19th): https://www.nationaljournal.com/s/723252/the-fcc-voted-to-re...

Snapshot: https://web.archive.org/web/20231110203104/https://www.natio...

(I used the Wayback Machine because both archive.is and archive.ph are endless captcha loops.)

Here is a backup of the unlocked link: https://archive.is/hBf2Z

That's an endless cloudflare captcha loop, but ty

> That's an endless cloudflare captcha loop

Yeah. It's an ongoing issue (but not the old Cloudflare one).

There are workarounds but they have to be put in place.

ref https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38171778

ref https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38063548#38063580

It's a fake spite captcha.

Had this issue a few days ago changing DNS to quad9 seems to resolve it

Sadly, I can't get past the "continue" button prompt.

There should be no need, you can just use uBlock to remove the entire prompt, since it doesn't scroll-lock the page.

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