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Experimenting with ChatGPT as a Podcast Co-Host: Feedback on a 7-Minute Episode? (podbean.com)
2 points by fastfedora 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Okay, the second episode is out. It's about how to expand the emotional expressiveness of GPTs.

I improved the audio and I encoded it using MP3, so hopefully that solves any problems with playback. This one also has a transcript.

Check it out at https://aimeetsproductivity.podbean.com/e/how-to-expand-the-...

Last night I recorded an experimental 7-minute podcast episode between myself and ChatGPT. We talked about using emotion in prompts to improve their effectiveness.

I'm curious what people think. How do you like ChatGPT as a co-host? Should I continue this experiment? If so, what topics would you like us to cover?

The episode itself was recorded using voice mode with a custom GPT trained to be a podcast co-host.

Playback failed "because of media corruption or a codec unsupported by your browser".

Hmm. What browser / OS are you using? Or what app are you using for playback?

Try the direct link and see if that plays: https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/sgsszb/2023-11-10_Emotion_in...

I'm using Arc on MacOS which I believe is based on Chrome.

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