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Science Says Teens Need More Sleep. So Why Is It So Hard to Start School Later? (kffhealthnews.org)
3 points by jyunwai 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Answer: Because the reality is that the kids' educations and welfare are the very lowest priorities.

Idea: Colleges start giving admissions preference to kids from later-starting school districts, on the theory that those kids slept through fewer of their HS classes, and thus are better prepared for college. College-obsessed parents quickly deploy the torches, pitchforks, and whatever else it takes, to force school districts to make the "obvious" changes.

Second amendment rights need to be extended to children to prevent them from being victimized by abusers..

If even 1% of parents are overabusive to their children and justice isn't being served, that's 1 million parents. Justice systems aren't set up to deal with this sudden influx of criminals so they ignore it..

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