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Are we talking about not criticizing Wheel format?

Because, if so, I'm not buying it. Wheel is an iteration after Egg, that was created in a world full of package managers, packages of all sorts and flavors. Wheel authors failed to learn from what was available for... idk some odd thirty years? (I'm thinking CPAN).

But, it has problems that just show how immature the people who designed the format were when it comes to using existing formats. For example, the Wheel authors were completely clueless about multiple gotchas of Zip format (even though they've been using Egg which is also based on Zip for... what a decade? I mean, come on, you had to be blind and deaf not to know about these problems if you had anything to do with packaging).

But, the most important problem is in the name format. And it's not about knowing gotchas of other formats. It's just total lack of planning / ability to predict the next step. For instance, some parts of the Wheel name are defined roughly as "whatever some function in sys module returns on that platform". So, it leaves this part of the name unpredictable and undefined, essentially. Wheel authors cannot make a universal package because in order to do so they need to have knowledge of all existing platforms and all future platforms... which, of course, nobody does.

And they've done it because... it was easy to do. Not because it was the right thing to do or the smart thing to do. The consequence of this decision is that implementing a PyPI competitor is virtually impossible because it's a layered crap-sandwich of multiple layers of mistakes that support each other (various parts of the name format were modified multiple times over the course of history, and weren't immediately supported by pip). Similarly, implementing a viable alternative to pip is equally almost impossible because of the same historical crap-pie of multiple mistakes on which Python package publishers built their whole infrastructure.

This led to the situation where today the whole Python packaging is locked into using PyPI, setuptools and pip. Those who are intimately familiar with the subject know that they are broken beyond repair and have no hope of getting better, but the mess is so big that undoing it just seems impossible. And, of course, PyPA is blissfully unaware of all the nonsense that's going on in its tools keeps adding new worthless features to polish this turd.

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