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> The french are very pro EU,

Would seem like that’s not entirely accurate: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-04-05/france-s-...

Le Pen is very much against the EU and she seems to be quite popular.

> fighting against the super powers.

France is basically non existent in the ukranian conflict.

Le Pen is not "quite popular". Except in the rich neighborhoods where she's from, it's hard to find anyone supporting her views. However, even in the poor neighborhoods where i'm from, it's more and more common to find disillusioned youths who'll happily announce they will vote Le Pen just to put an end to the current political system. I personally believe that view to be naive and concerns people who watch television, but still, that's not exactly what i'd call being "popular". Except for actual fascists from the big cities, i've yet to find a single person telling me they appreciate Le Pen's racist ideas or even just her person.

To be fair, when i'd say it's naive to vote for Le Pen, i think it's naive to vote for any candidate except maybe for Melenchon who's still on the center of the political spectrum. Otherwise, whether it's Hollande (who was elected with "finance is our enemy" then named Macron the banker as minister) or Macron (who was only elected due to looking less worse than Le Pen but ends up having exactly the same racist/capitalist policies) there's really noone on the political spectrum to propose "progressive" policies and actual implement them. I guess that's something we french people have in common with the US which has a very similar political system and is just as a corrupt and genocidal.

Of course not every French person is pro-EU, but the political actions of France have always been very pro-EU.

And it’s almost certainly not her anti-EU position that gives Le Pen her popularity

Le Pen has toned down her anti-EU stance a lot since Phillipot left the RN. Leaving was no longer part of her program for 2022, for instance.

That's her toning down to appear moderate, but she's still against the EU and a significant portion of her supporters are as well.

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