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Is there an alternative?

Maybe don't allow central governments to accumulate so much power.

But how else can I force people to do things they would never do voluntarily?

The court system with a jury.

A set of people are presented with evidence and become knowledgeable of the matter in hand.

That doesn't make them smarter or more knowledgable outside of a very narrow scope, where they knowledge is entirely dependent on what biased experts called by either side tell them.

Yes. But it distributes the work load across larger number of people, so they have time to learn.

The current system has politicans not even reading the bills they are voting on, let alone any attempt to understand them.

I’ve tried reading a few Bills and Acts. They’re more legible than patents, but harder than code in a programming language I’ve not learned.

I’d like legislation by sortition, but only if the laws can actually be made simple enough for normal people to follow them. If that can’t be done, it’s very easy to pull wool over people’s eyes in either direction, getting them to pass bad laws they don’t understand and to refuse to pass good laws they don’t understand.

Fewer laws.

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