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Tell HN: YouTube app on Android disabled loop video option
4 points by fuzztester 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Anyone found a solution because now the buttons like Ambient is also greyed out...?

there are solutions like peertube, invidio.us, etc., that i have read about and am checking out. share any you find, too, friend.

Just noticed it a few hours ago.

The toggle is disabled.

This is for a video I watch often in loop mode.

Now the Ambient mode toggle is also grayed out, along with the Loop video toggle, which still is.

Great. I need to find a better alternative to YouTube.

Yes, I also get that toggle grayed out, like Henktube said below.

interesting that user Henktube's earlier comment shows as [dead]. why? did they say something that the "powers"-that-wannabe on this site do not approve of?


fire at will, downvoters and immoderators, with your puny ineffective weapons ...

intellectually interesting mumble grumble guidelines grumble mumble ...

:) ;) :) ;)

Not for me. Maybe your getting ABed.

You mean ABed as in AB testing?


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