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Show HN: Hacker News GPT (chat.openai.com)
11 points by hubraumhugo 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments
Just a personal experiment to build my first custom version of ChatGPT :)

I'm spending too much time on this site, so it might ocasionally save me some scrolling and reading.

Far from perfect and I'll continue to finetune it. I might even feed it with some classification data for each post, such as:

Post: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38167604

Categories: ["Health, Tech Gadgets, AI"]

Comment Perspectives:

- 3 Medical Innovation Appreciation

- 1 Technical Analysis

- 1 Limitations Acknowledgment

Edit: Looks like OpenAI is having outages today and custom GPTs are only available for ChatGPT Pro users.

> Your access to custom GPTs isn’t ready yet. We’re rolling this feature out over the coming days. Check back soon.

Does anyone knows what "coming days" mean? Everybody from OpenAI says "it's enabled for Plus and Enterprise users", but it's not.

Too bad. I'll repost it once it's broadly available.

1) Create an extremely long wordpad document with a whole bunch of very unrelated posts from random tech fields and sprinkle in some select words, like eg. "overton window", "kagi", "Go", "WASM", "protobuf", etc.

2) Then, for context on any type of article, open this document and glance over it until fatigue hits you....


That said, I appreciate your efforts although the problem does not seem like a solvable one to me :)

... one, perhaps more constructive, comment:

On most days it seems worthwhile to outright skip the majority of discussion and use the site for browsing the links posted only ;)

Works on mobile! Just need to click the link 3 times

Edit: never mind, it loads the custom gpt, the desc and capabilities, but errors with Not found after every message

The problem is probably me, but i get stuck in a loginloop.

Same for me as well. Via mobile.

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