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Nothing to do with Python? These FFI bindings exist because Python is slow as dirt.

This is one of the reasons why Python got so popular.

It is too slow to reimplement big pieces of software in it, so people just used bindings to existing code. And productivity rocketed!

These FFI bindings exist because Python was designed as a glue language for FFI bindings.

And the bindings to python exist because those languages are a pain in the ass to work with.

I don't want to work with Fortran, C++, Cobol, etc. And I sure as hell don't want to figure out how to integrate such wildly different languages into my existing and modern ecosystem.

You're probably replying to the original comment from the wrong angle.

Ecosystems like Java, .NET, Golang, Rust, etc do away with this entire problem by virtue of... not calling into C 99.99% of the time, because they're <<fast enough>>.

There's no right or wrong angle here. There's the useful or not useful angle.

Python was designed to call into C. It was always the solution to make Python fast: write the really slow parts in C and it might just turn out that will make the whole thing fast enough. Again: this is by design.

The languages and VMs you list were designed to be fast enough without calling into C. If you need that, great, use them.

People saying 'Python is slow' miss the point. It was never meant to be fast, it was always meant to be fast enough without qualifiers like 'no C'. If it isn't fast enough or otherwise not useful, don't use it, you've got plenty of alternatives.

I don't think Python was designed to call into C, is there some document from the early days claiming that was a major design goal?

1. The only way to integrate with C or other langs in early Pythons was to write interpreter extensions against the internal API. The cffi module seems to have appeared as late as 2012.

2. The Python interpreter API is not an excellent way to extend it, being as it is just whatever happens to be the internals of CPython specifically. There's now an HPython project that is trying to define a JNI equivalent for Python i.e. something vendor neutral, binary compatible and so on.

A language designed to call into C would have had a much easier to use FFI from day one.

My understanding is that, however, calls into Fortran happen because you want some subroutine to be «as fast as possible».

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