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I am a Python user, but never heard of most of the tools in that list. This is probably because everyone and their cousin attempts to write yet another package manager for Python.

The built-in tools venv, pip, (together with requirements.txt and constraints.txt) meet 99% of real life dependency management needs.

The proliferation of requirements.txt is one of the key reasons why Python packaging sucks so much.

Right what we need is a requirements.yaml (better yet, create an entirely new markup language for this particular project) and another new package manager for it. One day (one day!) I will start a project without python. One can hope.

> Right what we need is a requirements.yaml

It already exists, it's called pyproject.toml. It already existed for years in the form of setup.py. Requirements.txt means that projects can't be automatically installed which contributes massively to the difficulty of getting packages to work.

Pyproject.toml is a right step afaict but man is it complicated: "Please note that some of these configurations are deprecated, obsolete or at least discouraged, but they are made available to ensure portability." Core vs setuptools-specific etc. See https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/pyproject_con... and https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declar...

Also web frameworks! Many web frameworks.

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