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Xi to Meet US Business Leaders for Dinner in San Francisco (bloomberg.com)
16 points by throw555chip 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

It's perhaps a bit tinfoil hat but I've noticed a ton of Pro-China articles in the last day or two. i.e. "China wants to work closer with the USA", "Polling shows Americans view China as an ally". etc.

Sounds like the media is coordinating to gaslight the public when the government drops all of those pesky tariffs.


"Hello, Xi, nice to meet you. We see you as a deadly adversary, we believe in Taiwan as part of China, but we're arming it to the teeth so we can Ukraine it. Fancy doing more business in USD while we attempt to prevent you from doing business?"

Boy howdy, I'd like to be a fly on the wall at that meeting.

Xi may have fanned the nationalist fan too hot during the last diversion campaign.

A trigger happy CCP imprisoning business workers has reduced rates of investment (which hurts more as the CCP dumps treasury bonds in anticipation of a Taiwan conflict).

I hope Xi doesn’t get his car window smashed while visiting/s

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