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That isn't true either though. Sure, they don't care about it as a first order thing, but they care about development not slowly grinding to a halt over time. And writing well structured code is one of the things the software side of the house does in order to do a better job delivering on that desire from the business. If nobody on the technical side has the credibility or trust to make that case, then that's a problem.

>Sure, they don't care about it as a first order thing, but they care about development not slowly grinding to a halt over time.

Most only care when it affects them or sales, not when devs are asking to allot time to clean up code or pushing off a release to fix wonky stuff. In my mind that's not caring.

That's like people care that they can't walk up stairs without huffing and puffing, but not enough to actually diet and exercise. That's not actually caring, that's really regret.

I'm fortunate though, my company gives a lot of credence to dev.

That situation sounds to me like the problem of the development org not being trusted by the company's leadership when they say "this will slow down short-term initiatives but speed up long-term ones".

Yes, it's pretty common in my experience. Of course executive bonuses are granted based on short-term initiatives more so than long-term ones. When they finally reap what the sow, just blame dev. You don't get to be an executive without knowing how to politic.

Oh yes, I agree it is common! But not at all universal.

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