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>> The test contained a "return true" before the actual test.

And he could find the same amount of deficiencies in your own code. You can always find something if you search hard enough.

>And he could find the same amount of deficiencies in your own code.

I'm amazed how many people in this thread seem to believe that it's literally impossible for one dev to be less competent than another, let alone by a significant margin. John Carmack is objectively a better developer than me, and by a huge amount, but I don't feel ashamed or like a lesser person because of it.

You can always find deficiencies. But some code is objectively worse than other code, sometimes massively so.

> if you search hard enough

Thing is, I don't search at all. I just find them because they stand in the way of me doing whatever it is that I'm supposed to be doing instead of debugging his code.

Also, when people find a bug in my code (which does happen, naturally) I don't spend weeks trying to gaslight them into thinking there really is no bug. I just fix it :)

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