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Maybe. But if the accounting is accurate, this person refused valid, and urgent criticism. They refused all input, and eefused to care that there was an issue.

This would make a very poor team lead. Imagine this person taking the wrong path, then refusing to acknowledge so. Imagine them upset that "their" path was being constructively criticized.

This is how companies go bankrupt, how months or years of work result in garbage.

Oh yeah the account is accurate.

At some point I had to use a C library written by him.

Due to segmentation faults I decided to just rewrite it by myself (in less than 200 lines).

He holds a grudge against me because of that.

When I showed with benchmarks that a sleep() in a loop in the main server thread is not a great idea he said "don't fix what isn't broken".

djamn, this is painfull

Maybe thats exactly how management acts in this firm?

They looked at complaints about this dude's behaviour and go "clearly one of us!" ^^

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