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Ask HN: Do you think Adobe's AI will replace Photoshop?
3 points by Mrirazak1 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
I had an interesting thought because I personally don’t think it will replace photoshop etc because it requires emotional intelligence and loads of thought to make something creative and even with Gen AI you need to know what you want to type it in specifically. Most ordinary people don’t use photoshop but the creatives that do they may use it to assist but I feel they may not utilise it all the time because they already do so much research and work to make something happen. Also you could replace a function of your job thus also devaluing your own job and employers might reduce your salary as a result.

Adobes AI is in Photoshop.

It's a tool. What the AI does, is give people the ability to do things that would take technical skill in the past, but what the human does is still the creativity and the concept and how to put those together into something useful.

The AI opens this level of creativity up to many more people as it remove the barrier to entry.

> you need to know what you want to type

This is why there are 'prompt engineering' roles. AI plays an assistant role, but it has to see human agents being creative with prompts.

That’s the thing I think people are still needed and for something like photoshop you can’t easily replace. Even if AI can make images look really good, it’s not got the intelligence to do what professional photo editors do.

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