How does an instruction set solve supply chain trust?
I suggest you reconsider [1] & [2], but apply the thought process in the context of a physical CPU. The problem is not source access or patents, the problem is you don't have an electron microscope to look at these nanometers-wide elements; even if you did, it's still an insanely difficult process.
Very simply, by not requiring Intel or AMD to produce the hardware to implement the isa.
It's true, but irrelevant, that you can't trust a risc-v cpu from Intel any more than an x86 cpu from Intel.
But I think the bulk of x86 and amd64 patents have expired since the 90's already, so I think you could have other suppliers designing and fabricating x86_64 royalty-free and open-source today just as well, and risc-v is particularly interesting at least as much for the simpler start-over design as for the pure unencumbered ip.
I suggest you reconsider [1] & [2], but apply the thought process in the context of a physical CPU. The problem is not source access or patents, the problem is you don't have an electron microscope to look at these nanometers-wide elements; even if you did, it's still an insanely difficult process.