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That updated viewer is a absolutely awesome, I like how you can go through the part layer by layer.

Medical images are much like this - if you have any interest, it’s quite easy to get a DICOM viewer and get a few patient scans.

I recommend Horos and Osirix, though I’m a Mac user. And MRI of course, not CT!

You can also convert the DICOM images to 3D model and print it.

I did it with MRI scan of my head (isolated the brain specifically) and kept it on my desk at work, ready to be handed to whoever came by wanting to pick my brain.

I recommend InVesalius (multi platform).

Thanks for this, I’ll explore.

Saying available for ‘Apple Mac OS X platforms’ isn’t encouraging but auto segmentation and 3D printer support, and screenshots look good.

There badly needs to be a cross section platform viewer that gets full support on each platform. I’m using InteleViewer currently and it’s borderline abandonware on its native platform (Windows) and it’s creaking badly on the Mac. Having copy and paste being the Windows default keys (when in the Mac) is like a middle finger to the user every time you use it.

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