I think it would be really interesting to load the init system (scheme-based GNU Shepherd in this case) directly from the kernel instead of ever loading a shell environment. I bet we could factor out a lot of cruft from the current GNU OS implementation that way, especially if you are managing your system environment/configuration declaratively via scheme/lisp.
I've heard about it and read discussions about it here on HN. I've never used it or learned the system.
> load the init system directly from the kernel instead of ever loading a shell environment
That's essentially what I want to accomplish with lone, and what I wanted to inspire others to do.
Can I help with that endeavor somehow? It's my understanding that GNU has a huge focus on portability, I assumed they would not be receptive to my Linux first approach. Perhaps the requirements are different for GUIX?
I haven't really given GUIX an honest try yet. So far, I've been content to use NixOS. I would definitely recommend either, so long as you are patient enough to learn their unique idiosyncracies.
GUIX does claim very broad compatibility, particularly with kernels. You can even use HURD instead of Linux if you really want to.
On the other hand, the GUIX project is ideologically opposed to proprietary software, so you won't find much help in that arena.
It's certainly what I had in mind when I started the project. Writing a full Lisp operating system is extremely hard, better to take advantage of Linux and its drivers so as to avoid spending an entire lifetime recreating them.
It's my understanding that a true Lisp machine would have hardware support for Lisp abstractions at the instruction set level, so I don't think the concept would apply to lone. I would be seriously honored if people considered it one though, even if only in spirit.
Well, if by lisp machine we understand a processor that can run native lisp, of course not, but I was dreaming with a modern lisp machine, and this is the best that can be practically made