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Opal – an open source cross-language policy administration tool (github.com/permitio)
1 point by gemanor 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Recent research conducted by Styra¹ (creators of OPA² and the Rego policy language) has revealed that policy as code (PaC) has become a critical component of the cloud-native development landscape. Nowadays, developers are utilizing PaC for every authorization vector, including developers, infrastructure, admissions, services, and applications. Moreover, new policy languages have emerged that are specific to vectors, such as Cedar³ for applications, or to particular use cases, like OpenFGA⁴ for Google Zanzibar style authorization.

OPAL is a tool that enables developers to deploy a comprehensive authorization infrastructure that automatically synchronizes configuration and data. With OPAL, developers can roll out scalable PaC-based architectures in seconds⁵.

As one of the maintainers, I would be grateful for your open-source support (stars, issues, and comments) and am eager to hear your opinions on the state of policy as code.

¹ - https://www.styra.com/press/policy-as-code-now-vital-to-clou... ² - https://openpolicyagent.org ³ - https://www.cedarpolicy.com/ ⁴ - https://openfga.dev/ ⁵ - https://www.permit.io/blog/scaling-authorization-with-cedar-...

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