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Science reveals how not to spill your coffee while walking (nbcnews.com)
17 points by escot 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Yeah, these researchers should have included a cafe server or two in their study - the people that walk with coffee for a living, kinda makes sense.

Having been a cafe server for 4 years I can say from experience that you can practically run with a cup of coffee without spilling it. Several times a day I would pour a cup of coffee while I brought it to a table - often without constantly looking at it, my eyes were always scanning tables.

That said - if you take enough steps with a full cup of coffee it will eventually spill, that's something that us wait staff actually talked about. We rarely spilled coffee.

You can walk with rhythm and still not spill if you hold your arm loose to decouple it from your body's motions. Let the cup have it's own inertia and have your arm follow your cup.


A lot of this has to do with the fact that you cannot feel velocity, you can only feel acceleration. So if you're walking and the coffee isn't spilling, you can increase your velocity at a constant rate (because you intuitively think it's the speed that matters). But when you stop, if you don't first slow down at a constant rate, then you're acceleration will change abruptly and you spill your coffee (because you intuitively think stopping won't matter).

Vary your steps using waltz tempo, so you're staying a little longer on alternate feet.

An added bonus is you get less sand worm attacks this way too!

Oddly enough, I _was_ serious about this, and it _does_ work. Doesn't have to be too obvious, either, with practice.

Good to know the Fremen can enjoy their coffee while walking safely in sandworm territory.

Make sure you patent your new walk at the Ministry of Silly Walks.

Who is funding this garbage? There are tons of ways to walk without spilling. this is a childrens task that only requires practice to internalize a personal algorithm of motion. Always asking can Science but never asking how Science

I “oscillate” my cup randomly while walking. Works fine.

Once again Dune had all of this even back in the day.

a perfect example of why you have to specify all your requirements BEFORE you design your solution

Now if science could just come up with how not to spill your coffee while waking.

Alternatively a lid perhaps? Money well spent clearly.

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