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Firefox development is moving from mercurial to Git (groups.google.com)
16 points by MBCook 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I was a very early Git adopter, back when everyone used SVN; back when Mercurial and Git were the hot new things (and maybe some people you knew used Darcs, Fossil, or Bazaar).

It’s kind of interesting how the conversation shifted. Used to be you would talk about the pros and cons of Mercurial and Git. Nowadays, it seems that if you use Mercurial, you’re dooming yourself to a certain amount of extra friction everywhere you go, and nobody talks about the technology or UX any more. And of course, since you can losslessly translate most repos from Mercurial to Git or vice versa, people aren’t locked in.

I know that some big tech companies still use Mercurial, since it’s somewhat more extensible, and the Mercurial tools can be modified to work with the monorepos at Google and Meta. I wonder if this is the future of Mercurial—a future where it’s been adapted to work with the largest repositories.

nooooo - hg is such a nice piece of software from a devx point of view. I get that the world has consolidated around git, but man I wish more people would try hg.

I've heard Facebook uses it extensively internally?

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