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"Madness and Civilization" by Foucault is one of the greats even though it's historically inaccurate.

That said we all have multiple roles with no guarantees they won't conflict. How that's resolved by an individual is their identity.

Roles are not a product of authority. It's the other way around. Taking on responsibilities is power. It's silly, but even simple household chores can be seen this way. My parents used to point out that their frustration with a dirty floor, beyond just being "my fault", also meant that I had power over their emotions and a demonstration of how we're all at the mercy of each other. Heavy stuff for an 8 year old. Sure expectations are the other side of it, but that's where bargaining comes in. They were fair to never expect me to be perfect, just good enough.

oh I've always loved looking backwards at the uncle ben great power = great responsibility adage

someone defined knowledge as wordly information made static and power as ability to exact influence on the world ... emotions (and knowledge) are merely a guide to behaviour which actualizes such power ... fuck your feelings of self resentment, I just got stabbed to death ... or conversely fuck your cowardice, you still saved my life

how can one claim responsibility when their mechanism to do so has been robbed by their environment? imagine being a kid whacked on stimulants before 10 and having all neuronal connections formed under a drug enriched environment?

I've done some exploration of the path you talk about here and above, thoughts like "...artificial conditions that would not exist in absentia of the system..." and I struggle to bring it back intact into my world with doesn't exist in absentia of systems.

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