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You Won't Lose Weight on Ozempic Forever (nytimes.com)
3 points by paulpauper 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Maybe after we get robot surgeons installing neuralink, we can get robot surgeons doing weight loss surgery and lower the price to mechanically remove obesity. Build enough clinics that if those clinics are running 365 days a year they could do surgery on 20% of the obese population in a year and we could solve it in 5 years. Don't unplug the machines and then 2 weight loss surgeries every 10 years would keep the number of people involuntarily obese down

I went vegan at 49, lost 70 pounds in ~14 months. Most fucking ever; illicit (or licit, I'm DX'd ADD) stimulant use never dropped more than 15 pounds. I did not curtail drinking barley pops (I am in Milwaukee after all), or do any other dietary trick.

If you want to get technical, I dropped my Methionine (an amino acid in protein) by probably 35-50%, it's it's been my theory for decades that this is the reason

So 2 years and $1000/month for only a 25 lbs weight loss, from 265 to 240 ? no wonder insurance companies do not want to cover it, and why this drug does not threaten food sales. hardly an obesity miracle or cure. We need a metabolism booster.

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