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The difference between `s` and `š` is similar to `s` and `sh`. Can you omit `h` in Englis? Well, tecnically yes, but you canged the language. Same on you!

yes, I agree, that's the point I'm making: it's doable like abjads and their vowels. And by coincidence, only does Hebrew not have vowels, it also does not distinguish between s and sh, they are both that W-looking character! That's the spirit in which I was asking the question, they don't distinguish, but they still have no trouble reading and writing.

Unlike English, it's possible to read Czech without knowing the words (no tricks like "tomb"). If you omit accents, one would either have to know correct pronunciation or he will read it differently.

What you could do is to replace an accent with an ASCII character. Compare the name of town Český Těšín with its Polish equivalent Czeski Cieszyn (Č → Cz, ě → ie, š → sz). Actually, this is how we got here, 600 years ago Jan Hus (John the Goose) added diacritics to shorten a few diagrams in written language.

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