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There’s a second trial around the same time for all the illegal political donations he made.

Is there a trial for that? I thought that he wouldn’t be tried for that due to the terms of his extradition.

I believe the sentencing judge in this trial has demanded a hearing to find out whether the government will proceed with that second trial.


If by kill himself you mean killed by others and the guards just happen to take a break then probably not

Allegedly. There’s no evidence to back this claim other than the guards were on break when he died. If I were to plan my demise in jail, I’d wait for the guards to go on break as well. Less chance of them finding you before you’re gone.

You wouldn't know as they were watching from closed circuit tv from another room.

Funny how said CCTV was also down at the same time

Wasn't that close circuit TV system busted?

His client list is quite well known. So far as I know, and in spite of the evidence, no one on it has ever been questioned - apart from Prince Andrew, and that was the result of a civil case.

With Epstein dead there's no reason why anyone would be. Any former "party friends" can always be paid off, or discouraged in less subtle ways.

The more interesting question is - who replaced Epstein?

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