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I think it took me about three or four months to stop feeling like I was operating in some weird alien environment, and almost two years before I settled into the workflow and set of tools that I've mostly stuck with for the decade or so since. I'd had about 15 years of using just about everything except Mac, before switching.

> some weird alien environment

It's not that its just weird, it's that its so similar too. Things are almost the same, but the little differences make all the difference. Its UNIX-y so my Linux knowledge transfers over in a lot of areas but anything involving the DE/WM and I am lost.

Most of my computer usage revolves around three programs: Chrome (or any browser really), VSCode, and a terminal. Thankfully these all pretty much work exactly the same way across operating systems these days. I barely go into settings or configure anything as long as its good enough - still use default wallpapers on my laptop and phone!

I know I could switch but yep - that "weird alien environment" is an accurate description.

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