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I think the real story that someone should dig into (maybe TheVerge, they like sensationalizing things) is that Microsoft has had a first-party mapping service since Windows Live (2005), but it isn’t remotely competitive with Apple Maps which is practically brand new (2012).

I would be very annoyed if Apple removed Maps from Mac. I was very annoyed Windows didn’t remove Bing Maps from Windows.

There’s a story here. A company of Microsoft’s size and resources, and which at times had a very competitive product, should not be underperforming so badly. (And they shouldn’t be competing internally with things like Azure Maps)

I think I've only ever launched Apple Maps on my map once or twice just to check it out. Do you actually use it for looking up directions?

I do. On my phone it's so much more performant than the extremely bloated google maps and on my mac I just don't bother opening a website to view maps.

It's also much more usable than the UX mess that is Google Maps. I don't use either enough to specifically triage what's going on with Google Maps - all I know is the last half dozen times I have opened Google Maps I get annoyed quickly and fumble my way back to Apple Maps (on iOS and MacOS too, come to think of it) where it seems easier.

I haven't paid much attention to what the issues are, as I expect a mapping app to be intuitive enough that I'm not thinking about anything but finding whatever I'm looking for.

I think Bing Maps is actually really good.

I don't think anyone uses it, which is why I don't use it.

Maybe it's just more of a social network thing?

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