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I mean what you suggested already kind of exists in several forms.[0,1]

Third party data analyses is a thing, but this is often bundled with conducting experiments by CROs.

See my other comment about market size. The problem is that you can make A LOT more money selling drugs than you can selling software to pharma companies. So if your software is any good, then you should use it to make drugs and just be a pharma company.

0. https://www.opentargets.org/

1. https://www.citeline.com/en/products-services/clinical/pharm...

What I suggested was simply an illustrative example off the top of my head. The fact there's multiple similar companies that already independently exist furthers my point.

As for your other point, I'd imagine there's a pretty big difference between the capabilities and infrastructure between bringing a drug to market and analyzing the data of people who bring drugs to market.

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