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I already gave you a real life example with the uniprot reference. Here is another flagship knowledge base that heavily leverages NLP extraction.[0] Here is another one that gets used in what seems like every network biology article.[1]

Meta analyses? Automating meta analyses is not a real need. They have their place, but it’s like a quaint cottage industry type thing - like custom haberdashery.

Also the most valuable knowledge is not in any publication. If you are reading about it in an article then you are already 2-3 years too late.

0. https://geneontology.org

1. https://string-db.org/

> that heavily leverages NLP extraction

I search https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Ageneontology.org+nlp+... and don't see anything meaningful.

> Automating meta analyses is not a real need. They have their place, but it’s like a quaint cottage industry type thing - like custom haberdashery.

my opinion is that it has to be top level tool in modern science which could easily sort out lots of bs and contradictions in reported results.

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