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Porting games to Linux pays for itself (mastodon.social)
31 points by rbanffy 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

A HN post about a social media post about another social media post about a screenshot of a Reddit post? I'm trying to find some kind of value add in either of the two reposters' comments but I'm just not seeing it.

Here's the original Reddit post from which the screenshot is taken, which is from 2021: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/qeqn3b/despite_hav...

Here's the previous HN discussion of that post: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28978086

Jesus Christ you're right! mastodon -> mastodon -> screenshot of reddit. The linked post just reiterates the reddit post. The second one is just the screenshot under someone's rant.

P.S. https://old.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/qeqn3b/despite_hav...

By the way, since there's now a black market for GitHub stars (or just "hey community please put a star for our project everyone!") -- we switched to measuring number of issues for open-source projects. That metric is also gameable, but so far less so than stars.

Measuring for what? Who care how many stars or issues an open source project has?

what is wrong with -- "hey community please put a star for our project everyone!" ? bigger community bigger user base isn't it?

black market starts make no sense I agree.

metrics are for MBAs, just read the code..?

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