Shortly after the lowest average temp in the last 10k years the temp goes up a tiny bit and that is bad?
Maybe it is bad, who knows, but it sure seems better than if the interglacial would have ended and the temp would drop 10°C in the next few hundred years then another 10°C in thousand years and then a 90k year long ice age or something.
You may or may not remember the warnings about the coming ice age.
Overall the chance that human caused CO2 will case some kind of mass extinction due to warming is about as high as that a random ice age that should have started already but didn't (and we dont know why), causes a mass extinction.
> Shortly after the lowest average temp in the last 10k years the temp goes up a tiny bit and that is bad?
A degree in 20 years is not “a tiny bit” in this aggregated form. That’s why the ice age scenario you suggest is also bad. There is little evidence that scenario is happening right now though.
It seems to be much more than 20 years, but does it even matter? We have no clue about the climate of the future, even if all the warming we attribute to our pollution is 100% correct, we still do not know if this will cause problems for future generation or help them cope with an ice age. Both is at best equality likely, the ice age is probably more likely because whatever causes it, is a much much bigger force than human pollution, there is probably not enough human accessible fossil CO2 to prevent an ice age.
Maybe it is bad, who knows, but it sure seems better than if the interglacial would have ended and the temp would drop 10°C in the next few hundred years then another 10°C in thousand years and then a 90k year long ice age or something. You may or may not remember the warnings about the coming ice age.
Overall the chance that human caused CO2 will case some kind of mass extinction due to warming is about as high as that a random ice age that should have started already but didn't (and we dont know why), causes a mass extinction.