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if the government increases taxes for a specific scenario/use-case, how is that not a restriction in freedoms and liberty? taxation is forced with punitive coercion.

Irrelevant if you agree with the purpose or not, this seems pretty straight forward.

Guy, some men wouldn't stop beating their wives, and that's why there were (recent) laws where this is is a punishable offence. Or people dumping their garbage on the street. Or medicine companies cornering the market, filing a patent, and then rising prices.

That's why we have laws and taxes; so people can't be too much of d*ks towards one another. If even a minority of people can't be decent human beings on their own will and still behave like in the middle ages, punitive coercion in form of taxes or incarceration has been known to do the trick.

Well the original formatting of having taxes and freedoms as different items in a list, separate by a comma indicated to me that there are freedoms restricted other than just being taxed. I agree with you but also, what other freedoms?

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