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That does not look like the most journalistically rigorous site the mentioned article is from "Energy Talking Points", I suspect it's a shill for the "energy" (read fossil fuel) industry, based on a random selection of their other article titles:

- How today's global anti-fossil-fuel agenda is crippling American small businesses

- An open letter to Elizabeth Warren on natural gas prices

- Talking Points on the dangerous falsehood that "Climate change is a public health issue"

I'm open to examining the science, but I don't appreciate equating the views of an industry insider or someone with an axe to grind with what a much more broad consensus of scientists have to say about climate change.

Especially when there's a _very_ clear financial incentive for the "energy" industry to continue business as usual. Qui bono?

You can ask "qui bono?" about people who believe the Climate Change narrative as well. For example, here's $5 billion allocated to this sort of thing:


Those grants appear to be for implementation, not research or white papers.

Another cowardly downvote by someone without an argument.

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