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Stack Overflow: 79% of developers considering new horizons (developer-tech.com)
2 points by pg_1234 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I've been considering switching to a different career path, I just have to figure out which one. I increasingly feel that there is no place for the likes of me in the software industry anymore.

What kind of person specifically?

Old-school. The industry culture has moved over the years to one that doesn't sit well with me from an ethical point of view. I realized a little while ago that somewhere along the line, I became embarrassed by it and don't really like to be "outed" to people that I'm a software dev.

All of which would be manageable except that the majority of the time that I express my specific concerns on HN, the responses clearly demonstrate how much the industry (at least as represented here) and I have diverged from each other.

It's not surprising a big reason is AI. if there is any career that should be adapting to it is software engineering and development.

That's an interesting statement. Why should software devs be adapting to it any more than any other knowledge-working/creative field?

AI is software, and until it becomes AGI by improving itself there is going to be a need for software developers. This isn't the case for most other industries that will be impacted in a more substantial way by either transforming them or rendering them obsolete.

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