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I haven't thought about it this way, I hope youre right. Here's what comes to my mind after PE buys vet clinic:

- Analyze all the employees using a "system" to gauge "productivity metrics"

- Pressure management to get rid of an employee or two to increase profits, making everyone else work harder.

- Seek additional income streams from dubious "insurance" products that may or may not pay. Help market their products by spreading false information that insurance gives them "peace of mind".

- Increase costs to see what the market will bear

- Put all employees on a unified HR system that has a strict 1-size policy, little gotchas like "no health insurance for the first 60 days", limited PTO, etc. Ignore anyone who speaks badly because "this is company policy ". Give the business director a bonus when he finds new and creative ways to "maximize profits" at the cost of denigrating staff and making them work harder under more constrained policies.

- Lock all dr's salaries and staff pay to the same scale because "policy". Work harder? Why try? I get paid the same amount either way. Employees game the system to work the minimum to avoid termination. Not because they love animals, those people quit in the first 60 days (which is why our health coverage doesn't kick in before then).

- remove as much of their agency as possible, helping a poor persons injured dog is no longer acceptable, pay-as-you-go and sliding-scale billing are so 1990's, we have a business to run, the policy is "put the animal down and move on to the next paying customer". House calls are a liability and take valuable time away from the business, effective next year they are no longer allowed.

- appeal to emotion to upsell wealthy customers to services that promise to prolong the animal's life (but increase suffering and are medically unethical).

- Fewer people go to the vet now because they can't afford it, more animals suffer so that rich men can have more profit.

Where did this list come from?

inference, based on how corporations are run vs small business

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