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Startup Salary Calculator- Thoughts?
2 points by collegeportalme on April 6, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
This is one of the messiest topics to talk about- How much can we afford to take as salary? How would you guys feel about a calculator that startups can use to come at this figure. This calculator would take into account revenue, costs, account balance, city, runway, and every other cost. The idea is that salary every month will not be the same. What do you guys think?

Q1. Can you give a little more detail about... 'The idea is that salary every month will not be the same.' Q2. So are you also suggesting that salary is just a function that you can minimize just like some max/min problem? So for example, no revenue => no salary. Not everyone wants or likes to be a salesperson. Comment1: Salary is especially tricky because you are dealing people not machines. Q3. What happened to treating employees fairly?

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