What tests did you get? Only thing I can think of when you say “everything looks great” is an otoscope exam.
But if they did audiometry, CT temporal bones, MRI IAC and those are normal? Then those are tough breaks because they can’t fix a problem they can’t see.
Only thing I can think of is maybe a subtle/occult ossicular chain disruption. Is there a little incudomalleal diastases?
What tests did you get? Only thing I can think of when you say “everything looks great” is an otoscope exam.
But if they did audiometry, CT temporal bones, MRI IAC and those are normal? Then those are tough breaks because they can’t fix a problem they can’t see.
Only thing I can think of is maybe a subtle/occult ossicular chain disruption. Is there a little incudomalleal diastases?
Anyways I give up that’ll be $500 see ya