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Release of My Book: Practical Artificial Intelligence Development with Racket (leanpub.com)
9 points by mark_l_watson 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I decided to release early, in honor of RacketCon that starts tomorrow morning!

I cover using Racket Scheme for implementing many short AI examples including LLMs (OpenAI, Anthropic, Mistral, and Local Hugging Face), vector datastore, NLP, semantic web, Knowledge Graphs, and non-AI utilities.

I am about 60% done with this “live book” (there will never be a second edition: as I add material and make corrections, I simply update the book and the free to read online copy and all eBook formats for purchase get updated).

You can read my live eBook online for free using the link: https://leanpub.com/racket-ai/read

Thank you for sharing so much lovely material with the world. It is very appreciated.

I'll dig deeply into this book.

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