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Nue – The closer-to-standards web framework (nuejs.org)
2 points by tipiirai 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

With Next.js emerging and 300+ MB projects becoming a standard, I want to bring up an alternative approacth. Nue is a "closer-to-standards web framework" with focus is on minimalism, separation of concerns, and semantic web design. That is: the NPM is in 3MB ballpark. Layout, styling, and logic are separated instead of everything being controlled by JavaScript. There are as little abstractions as possible. It's a work in progress, but definitely a reality early next year.

Looks promising, hopefully it’s not yet-another-web-framework

Narrator: it was yet another web framework

It's kind of even worse: it's multiple other frameworks nobody needs. Maybe I am mistaken, but it seems like they want you to use their custom non-React UI framework, AND their MVC back-end, AND their custom CSS thing, AND their custom UI thing.

From their site:

> It’s a complete overhaul to ecosystems like Vue, React, and Svelte as well as web development frameworks like Vite, Next.js, and Astro.

The metastasis of unnecessary frameworks and libraries and stuff to accomplish nothing new continues to plague the NodeJS/JavaScript world. It is by far the worst offender in this regard. I don't get it.

> It’s an engineering attempt to bring a long-term solution to the prevailing frontend fatigue.

The unnecessary proliferation of this kind of shit strikes me as a big part of front-end fatigue.

Yes! This is exactly the kind of response when you love React and are not interested in alternatives, regardless of the benefits they offer.

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