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>How is this the users fault?

If a user asks for the software to nag people and then the developers make the software start nagging proper then it is the fault of the user for suggesting that behaviour be implemented.

>It could be opt-in under settings, like just about anything else.

Or there could be an opt out in settings like how it already works.

Disingenous take IMO

> If a user asks for the software to nag people and then the developers make the software start nagging proper then it is the fault of the user for suggesting that behaviour be implemented.

People are not asking for software to nag. They're asking for the software to NOT send telemetry at all unless the user agrees to it. As it stands now, vscode sends out telemetry before the user has a chance to opt out.

What people want is for software to not be hostile to the users in that way. Failing that, at least give the option before the hostile behavior begins. But really.. It's not the users' fault. It's the software maker's fault for integrating that behavior in the first place and ramming it down our throat, whether we like it or not.

>People are not asking for software to nag.

This issue literally is and describes what the popup should include.

>hostile behavior

Telemetry is not hostile. It is a standard feature for understanding how a product operations or is being used.

> This issue literally is and describes what the popup should include. > Telemetry is not hostile. It is a standard feature for understanding how a product operations or is being used.

Except there already is a welcome screen that gives a "choice" (between quotes) about sending telemetry or not, if I remember correctly.

This however does not prevent sending telemetry. In fact, telemetry is sent to MS before the user has a choice about sending telemetry.

So whether you agree that telemetry is useful for understanding a product and so on (a whole separate discussion), the fact that the user does not have a real choice IS user hostile.

The user should have a real choice here.

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