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Open Source News Is the Future of Journalism (tabletmag.com)
8 points by jseliger 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I for one hope not, I already deeply dislike the current situation where newspapers depend on advertising and funding, having a wikipedia of news when already we know that wikipedia is not trustable would be like jumping knowing to land on fire, only thing is that I don’t know how much worse can we do news right now. The argument is also idiotic, if the victims of israeli regime in gaza are saying something that is also used by hamas, the argument can’t become invalid because its also used by hamas, fight the argument instead of using the messenger as the only criticism, to me modern society seems doomed

“Open source news” is the dumbest rebranding of “OSINT” I’ve heard to date. This article tries to sound smart… but not sure it landed.

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