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One weird issue I had with next 13 was radio button groups did not work. The suggested fix from a core next contributor and fb employee was to "Upgrade to a canary release"...

I get that you are building all these new cool features, but that cannot put basic functionality and backwards compatibility at risk. Radio buttons have been around forever, I'd assume that they are being used by tons of websites all ove the place. Yet hydration of SSR radio buttons was not being done properly and so you could not set a default value for your radio button...

This kinda shit is just basic. You can't add new features at the expense of basic functionality.

Absolutely, this is the number one issue I have with next.js - they did a huge ecosystem-splitting update, but now recommend switching to the new paradigm for any issues with the old all while saying they are maintaining the old.

Which issue? There are certain issues that are non-issues in the App Router, and simply not possible in the Pages Router without a significant amount of foundational changes. Which, those changes are, the App Router. That’s why we’ve been focusing on making incremental adoption easy. I think there’s still room to make it smoother (hard navigations between pages/app, metadata codemods for next/head) ad well.

The reason we suggest upgrading is because it’s extremely common that issues are already fixed or they cannot reproduce when we ask them to upgrade. It helps with issue triage so we can properly prioritize and fix issues.

If you can link the issue with a reproduction, I’m happy to look into it.

Generally, the expectation is that developers know what bugs have been fixed or can quickly check, so users aren't expected to just constantly retry on whatever today's HEAD is. That takes a lot of their time, and you already know what changes you're making so should be able to determine quickly if a bug was fixed.

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