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It looks to me like any device with at least 300 horizontal CSS pixels can see your whole nav bar, which should be nearly everyone.

On the other hand, hamburger menus typically have a lot more entries than this, enough that a horizontal menu wouldn't look good even on desktop.

Yeah I only run into the issue when using an iPhone mini with an increased font size. But it’s ready to go if I add more routes. If the list grew to be too large, I would switch to a two-column layout on my homepage for the primary points of interest.

I’m a big fan of collapsible table of contents. That design paradigm allows for the higher level to use a word to indicate what it contains and then can open up to a list. But it does really depend on the type of information conveyed. I can currently get away with always avoiding hamburger menus but that might be tougher for something like a banking app to avoid.

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